Tam Heaton-Wyrick, LMSW
Tam is a licensed clinical social worker trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). She graduated from Wayne State University with a Master of Arts in Medical Anthropology and a Master of Social Work. She has worked directly and indirectly with diverse populations to help promote wellbeing by reducing barriers to safe homes, healthcare, education, employment, and healthy environments. This has been accomplished in human services agencies, academia, and therapeutic settings.
As an independent contractor with Dennis, Moye, Branstetter & Associates, she works with older children and adolescents to help mitigate the effects of trauma and reduce poor overall health outcomes across the lifespan. Additionally, she works with adolescent through older adult populations on depression, anxiety, and grief and loss issues so that they may live more gratifying and happy lives.
Over the past several years, Tam has held positions as a research director, working on studies that consider the whole person and how factors such as trauma, activity levels, home environment, walkable streets, access to healthy food and healthcare, etc. impact physical diseases like breast and lung cancer; and a grants director, helping to design community mental health programming focusing on trauma modalities that place behavioral health therapists in early childhood classrooms, pediatric offices, and OB/GYN clinics, as well as create trauma-informed communities, while also fundraising to support the programming. She has also been a community educator, traveling throughout the state of Michigan implementing a state and MSU-sponsored curriculum on adult abuse and neglect prevention to practitioners in the field and community members; and worked with University of Michigan (U of M) medical students teaching anthropological methods to help better connect practitioners with the human side of their medical modalities.